BIKE and EBIKE RENTALS Biking in our hilly region can be very challenging so some training and good health conditions are mandatory or, in alternative just get an EBIKE. In any case you will be rewarded by amazing roads and breathtaking landscapes. One of the most reputed local bike rental agency is CICLOPOSSE. They organize also guided tours. www.cicloposse.com Tel: +39 0578 749983 Cell: +39 345 0371289 If you wish to bike without pain you can try a new e-bike by contacting www.e-biketuscany.com in the nearby village of Pienza. This company also organize guided tours with traditional or electric MTB and nordic walk tours. A newly established e-bike company located few minute away is URBAN BIKERY. See their offers here: http://www.urbanbikery.it/ OR Byebike: http://bye.bike/en/